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Ash heartwood can be a light to medium brown color while sapwood is more beige or light brown. Ash is easy to work with and glues, stains and finishes well. It has fairly course grain and excellent shock resistance, making is a great choice for things like baseball bats and tool handles, amongst other things.

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Product Category

Domestic Lumber

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Wood Standard Specs

Board Foot Calculator

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Please enter a number from 1.00 to 20.00.
Please enter a number from .25 to 5.00.
This is your result.
Please enter a number from 1 to 999.
PWP Shop Closed


Presidents' Day Sale

Presidents Day Sale

In celebration of President’s Day, our selection of 4/4 Cherry is on sale!  Regular 4/4 Cherry is discounted to $3.99 bf with 8+” wide at $4.49.

Sale runs until February 24th!

** We’re open until 7 PM on Thursdays **

Cherry Selection