Jenka Hardness Scale

June 10, 2023 | 2 min read | By: Parkerville

The wood hardness scale is determined by measuring the force required to embed a .444-inch steel ball up to half of its diameter in a piece of wood.  There are many factors that you can use to determine the hardness of a wood species but the Janka hardness scale provides a general guide.  Please note that even the wood species with the highest ratings on the Janka scale can still be dented and scratched by heavy and sharp objects. Therefore, use the scale to guide you on the most durable woods but be keen on maintenance to avoid early wear and tear.

The Jenka Hardness Scale

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Presidents' Day Sale

Presidents Day Sale

In celebration of President’s Day, our selection of 4/4 Cherry is on sale!  Regular 4/4 Cherry is discounted to $3.99 bf with 8+” wide at $4.49.

Sale runs until February 24th!

** We’re open until 7 PM on Thursdays **

Cherry Selection