Cypress, Bald

Bald Cypress

This sub-species of Cypress has a color that tends to be a light, yellowish brown with a sapwood that is nearly white. Some pieces can have scattered dark pockets and voids where the wood has been attacked by fungi—called pecky cypress.  Also, pieces of old-growth cypress salvaged from riverbeds (called sinker cypress) tend to have […]

Cedar, Eastern Red

Cedar, Eastern Red

Also known as Aromatic Red Cedar has pink to reddish brown heartwood with pale yellow sapwood that can appear throughout. As the name suggests, Aromatic cedar has a distinct scent. It is also very resistant to decay and repels moths and other insects. It is commonly used in closets and chests.


Birch, White

Also known as American, White or Paper Birch, its heartwood tends to be a light reddish brown, with nearly white sapwood. Occasionally figured pieces are available with a wide, shallow curl similar to the curl found in Cherry. There is virtually no color distinction between annual growth rings, giving Birch a somewhat dull, uniform appearance.  […]


Pale white to light brown color, with sapwood and heartwood sections not clearly defined. Growth rings tend to be subtle, and the color is mostly uniform throughout the face grain of the wood. Knots and other defects are uncommon.


Ash heartwood can be a light to medium brown color while sapwood is more beige or light brown. Ash is easy to work with and glues, stains and finishes well. It has fairly course grain and excellent shock resistance, making is a great choice for things like baseball bats and tool handles, amongst other things.

Alder, Red

Red Alder, alternatively known as Western Red Alder tends to be a light tan to reddish brown; the color darkens and reddens with age. There is no visible distinction between heartwood and sapwood. Large aggregate rays appear as occasional small streaks on the face grain that can be mistaken for defects in the wood.



Also known as Black Cherry, American Cherry, or Common Cherry, it has heartwood that is a light pinkish brown when freshly cut, darkening to a medium reddish brown with time and upon exposure to light. Wide sapwood is a pale yellowish color. The grain is usually straight—with the exception of figured pieces with curly grain […]

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Presidents' Day Sale

Presidents Day Sale

In celebration of President’s Day, our selection of 4/4 Cherry is on sale!  Regular 4/4 Cherry is discounted to $3.99 bf with 8+” wide at $4.49.

Sale runs until February 24th!

** We’re open until 7 PM on Thursdays **

Cherry Selection