Articles + Blogs

From the Board Room
A Little History

Woodworking, as with all other trades and industries, has multiple genres. Of course, woodworking starts with growing and harvesting the trees, slicing, sawing and drying the logs, and processing that material into lumber, veneer, and plywood. That material is then used to build homes, buildings, furniture, fixtures and cabinets. At Parkerville, we manufacture precision wood parts for Otis Elevator, build high end corporate boardrooms and conference tables, build custom kitchens and furniture, and construct full scale prototype curtainwalls for high-rise buildings.

Moxon Vise
Shop Notes
Moxon Vise Project

Popular in Europe, the MFT-style workbench top is growing in popularity in the US. In this Shop Notes article, we’ll give you an overview of of this unique workbench top.

From the Board Room
Planning for 2025

As we plan for 2025 and beyond at Parkerville, the unknown factors related to our economy pose unique challenges that I have never encountered before. I learned to avoid most conversations related to politics for concern over other people’s potential raw, emotional, divisive opinions. Heck, loved ones get divorced and families are broken because of what our country is experiencing.

From the Board Room
Happy New Year

Greetings Customers & Friends,

Happy New Year to all of you. Wishing everyone a happy, healthy and prosperous 2025.

As companies grow things change. Parkerville is experiencing some of these changes due to the growth of our Company in recent years. Regulatory pressures weigh heavy on small business owners, according an article published in the Hartford Courant this past Sunday.

From the Board Room
Happy Holidays

Greetings Customers & Friends,

I hope everyone had some time to spend with family and friends over the Thanksgiving weekend. Many years ago, I closed up shop for four days over the Thanksgiving weekend to give employees a break to rest and hopefully spend some quality time with people close to them. Also, wanting the time off myself, and as was typical with my habits back then, I didn’t like to ask of others what I wasn’t willing to do myself. Everyone enjoyed the time off. Now, here we are decades later and things have certainly changed. We’re now promoting Black Friday specials. Who would have thought. I hate shopping. 😊

From the Board Room
A Simple Explanation on How to Purchase and Measure Lumber

Some of the specialty lumber that we sell here at Parkerville can be expensive, so understandably when you shop here or elsewhere, you want to understand what you are buying and how to measure or tally the boards. I hope this brief explanation helps you to understand some of the terminology in the lumber industry, and that it helps you to understand how to tally your lumber.

From the Board Room
A Little Blast From the Past

Jim had recently finished restoring the truck, a 1952 Chevy COE (cab over engine). In its former life it was a dump truck. It now has power brakes, power steering, and power bucket seats from a BMW. Super nice. In the bed of the truck was an old 1960 Wheelhorse tractor that he had also restored that had a very rare 1932 Palmer marine, single cylinder diesel motor in it.

Dust in the Workshop
Understanding Dust Collection

Dust collection systems provide a safe, reliable way to proactively reduce the airborne pollutants produced from cutting and sanding materials, but do you know the basics?

From the Board Room
Learning to Juggle

In this month’s From the Board Room, David shares an interesting story about a blog he ran across from someone who happens to be a customer.

PWP Shop Closed


Presidents' Day Sale

Presidents Day Sale

In celebration of President’s Day, our selection of 4/4 Cherry is on sale!  Regular 4/4 Cherry is discounted to $3.99 bf with 8+” wide at $4.49.

Sale runs until February 24th!

** We’re open until 7 PM on Thursdays **

Cherry Selection