Articles + Blogs

From the Board Room
January 2023

I hope your holidays were great. I usually look forward to getting through this next week so that business can begin to stabilize and return to normal. The two weeks surrounding Christmas and New Year’s always feel less productive. Everyone is shorthanded so getting feedback from vendors and suppliers goes in slow motion. Understandably, lots of people take well-deserved time off over the holidays.

From the Board Room
December 2022

Here’s wishing you all the very best over the upcoming Holiday Season. On behalf of myself and our entire staff here at Parkerville, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts for utilizing our services and purchasing our products and thereby supporting our talented, dedicated workforce and their families. We are grateful beyond words.

From the Board Room
October 2022

We have new lumber in the shop!! We’re quite excited about our recent purchase of a beautiful collection of super colorful woods from around the world. Perfect for small projects and cutting boards. We even gave a great selection of Gabon Ebony.

From the Board Room
August 2022

We continue to improve the volume, quality and selection of our lumber, including adding a number of species we have not previously carried. Learn more in this month’s newsletter.

From the Board Room
November 2021

Parkerville wishes all of our friends, partners and customers a very happy Thanksgiving!!!

From the Board Room
May 2021

Spring us upon us and that typically means more time outside and less in the woodshop. We understand that and have made an effort to bring in more materials that are suited for exterior work. Learn more about what we’re offering in this month’s From the Boardroom

From the Board Room
March 2021

As we roll into spring, we’re feeling like life is trending toward normalcy after almost two years of constant challenges. Prices are still high and it is difficult to find experienced employees, both for production and management. Let us know if you or someone you know is looking. We are however very grateful to be busy in both our retail lumber business and our fabrication shop.

Presidents' Day Sale

Presidents Day Sale

In celebration of President’s Day, our selection of 4/4 Cherry is on sale!  Regular 4/4 Cherry is discounted to $3.99 bf with 8+” wide at $4.49.

Sale runs until February 24th!

** We’re open until 7 PM on Thursdays **

Cherry Selection